thumbnail Shelley and her Frisbee. (BIG)
thumbnail Another of our Esteemed Freshmen, Doug (BIG)
thumbnail Josh carries Stuff. (BIG)
thumbnail Marie and the Goldfish. (BIG)
thumbnail Even More Frisbee! (BIG)
thumbnail More Frisbee! (BIG)
thumbnail Frisbee! (BIG)
thumbnail People walking across the field (BIG)
thumbnail LT, Sarah, and Marie. (BIG)
thumbnail Gwyneth, Chris Lenfest, Jason Tang and Marie on the right. (BIG)
thumbnail Dave and Marie smile in foreground; Shelley, LT, ChrisHeilman and others in background. (BIG)
thumbnail People sitting and taking pictures across the way. (BIG)
thumbnail LT Prepares for his descent, others watch. (BIG)
thumbnail Jarrett says: Going down.... (BIG)
thumbnail Tang and his Bird. (BIG)
thumbnail Go Dave! Our Brave Campus Minister once again masters the cliff. (BIG)
thumbnail Go Marie! Wohoo! (BIG)
thumbnail Australia! Australia! Australia! (BIG)
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